George Bridgetower

Subject: History,; Citizenship,; Music
Key Stage: KS3
This website is about the life and experiences of George Bridgetower. The site was produced for the City of London's 2007 commemoration of the abolition of slavery and celebrates the extraordinary achievements of this Polish-born black Londoner. The site and resource pack take a close look at George Bridgetower and his relationship with Beethoven. It also examines other artists,; writers and musicians,; with a special focus on their relationship to the anti-slavery movement. this website provides activity-related music and video clips,; copies of images and worksheets. There is also an interview with Julian Joseph,; who composed the jazz opera,; Bridgetower - A Fable of 1807,; with libretto by Mike Phillips,; for the City of London Festival's bicentennial commemoration of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.