Wednesday, 15 January 2025, 11:10 AM
Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Electronics (Mike Jaroch)
TINNINGThe process of applying a thin coat of solder to materials prior to their being soldered; for example, application of a light coat of solder to the filaments of a conductor to hold the filaments in place prior to soldering of the conductor [4]. |
TOLERANCE(1) The maximum permissible error or variation from the standard in a measuring instrument. (2) A maximum electrical or mechanical variation of specifications that can be tolerated without impairing the operation of a device [1]. |
TONE-TERMINAL SETEquipment that converts TTY dc pulses into audio tones for modulation of a transmitter in audio-frequency-tone shift transmissions [17]. |
TONESMusical sounds [10]. |
TOP-HATAn antenna that is center-fed and capacitively loaded [17]. |
TORQUEA measure of how much load a machine can turn. This measurement is expressed either in ounce-inches for torque synchro systems or in pound-feet for heavy machinery [15]. |
TORQUE DIFFERENTIAL RECEIVER(TDR)A type of differential synchro that takes two electrical inputs, one to the rotor and one to the stator, and produces a mechanical output. The output is the angular position of the rotor that represents the algebraic sum or difference of the two electrical inputs [15]. |
TORQUE DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHRO SYSTEMA synchro system containing either a TDX or a TDR. This system is used in applications where it is necessary to compare two signals, add or subtract the signals, and furnish an output proportional to the sum or difference between the two signals [15]. |
TORQUE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSMITTER(TDX)This type of synchro is functionally the same as the CDX, except that it is used in torque systems rather than control systems [15]. |