Saturday, 14 September 2024, 8:26 AM
Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Science Terminology for 11-13 Yr Olds --- (Jon Witts)
Absorbwhen living cells or blood take in food or oxygen
Absorbslight energy hits a surface and is converted into heat energy
what happens when digested food particles pass from the digestive system into the bloodstream.
Accumulateto build up
Accumulationthe process of building up or gathering together
acidichas a pH less than 7, for example stomach acid.
Adaptationschanges to organisms which allow them to survive or to do their job
Aerobic respirationglucose from food reacts with oxygen to produce energy
alkalinehas a pH greater than 7.
Alveoliair sacs in the lungs where gaseous exchange happens