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Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)

bubonic plague

An infectious disease transmitted by fleas. It is characterized by fever, chills, and the formation of swellings. Also known as the Black Plague or Black Death.


Hindu for enlightened one." See also Siddhartha Gautama.


Buddhism developed in India, and is based on many of the core concepts of Hinduism.. Buddhists believe in an endless cycle of reincarnation, or samsara, which is similar to beliefs of Hinduism. However, Buddhists do not believe that deities are responsible for the phenomenon. In addition, the Caste System is rejected by Buddhists who believe instead that one is reincarnated until they can achieve nirvana, best described as spiritual enlightenment.


The administration portion of the government.


Code of conduct for Samurai and nobles during Japanese feudalism.

Byzantine Empire

(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.

Cabinet System

Collection of people who run various departments in government. Usually report to the chief executive, such as the prime Minister, or the President.

Caesar, Julius

(100-44 BCE), Roman general and statesman. He is responsible for setting up the imperial system in Rome which placed his grandnephew, Augustus, on the throne.


A system for keeping track of time.


In Islam, the successor to the Prophet Mohammed.