Monday, 6 May 2024, 7:31 PM
Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)

natural rights

Concept of John Lockes that states all people have the right to life, liberty, and property.

navigable rivers

A river that is able to be navigated by boat.


Name of German National Socialist Party, which gained control of Germany in 1933 under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

Nehru, Jawaharlal

(1889-1964) Indian nationalist leader and the first prime minister of independent India from 1947 to 1964. Along with Mohandas Gandhi, he was instrumental in freeing India from Britains control.

Neolithic Age

(10,000 BCE - 5000 BCE) New Stone Age. A period of time in human history characterized by the development of agriculture and permanent settlements.

Neolithic Revolution

The introduction of agriculture, domesticating animals, this leads to the development of human civilazation.

New Economic Policy

An economic policy of Vladimir Lenins in the Soviet Union where government controlled most banks and industry, but did allow some private ownership.

New Imperialism

A policy of economic, political, and social of one country by another. Industrialized countries sought control of other countries for raw materials and new markets.

New Kingdom

(1550 BCE - 1100 BCE) Period in ancient Egyptian history characterized by strong pharaohs who conquered an empire that stretched from Nubia in the south, to the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia.

New Testament

The second half of the Christian Bible. It describes the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other Christian teachings.