Sunday, 5 May 2024, 9:35 AM
Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)

Orlando, Vittorio

(1860-1952) Prime Minister of Italy during World War I. He was one of the formulators of the Treaty of Versailles.

Orthodox Christianity

A branch of Christianity developed in the Byzantine Empire, after its split from the Roman Empire. It spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean and Russia.

Osama bin Laden

(1957- ) Saudi Arabian multimillionaire and leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. He is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks on the United States including the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Ottoman Empire

Hereditary nation state centered in Turkey. It was founded in the late 13th century after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and extended across most of Asia Minor and the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire collapsed shortly after World War II.

ozone layer

The layer of the upper atmosphere where ozone collects. This layer absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.