Monday, 20 May 2024, 6:36 AM
Site: academy
Course: Activity Examples (Activity Examples)
Glossary: Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)

Arafat , Yasir

(1929- ) President of the Palestine National Authority and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Considered by many to be a terrorist, he has in recent years been accepted as the legitimate authority to speak for the Palestinians. His goals is to create a homeland for the displaced Palestinians.


A curved structure that shapes the edge of an open space, such as, a doorway, a window.


Studies the lives of early peoples by analyzing the objects left behind by ancient civilizations.


(287-212 BCE) Greek mathematician and inventor. He wrote works on plane and solid geometry, arithmetic, and mechanics. He is best known for the lever and pulley.


A chain of islands (e.g., Hawaii, Indonesia, Japan).


A person who designs buildings.


(310?-250? BCE) Greek scientist who first stated that the Earth revolved around the Sun, and rotated on its axis.


A truce during wartime.

Arranged Marriage

A marriage where the marital partners are choosen by others based on considerations other than pre-existing mutual attractions of the partners.


A person who is skilled at a craft, such as weaving, or woodcarving.