Course Notes Glossary

by David Sturrock -

Create a glossary for course notes or scenario entries. The glossary is visible to everyone at the top of the course and when they enter the glossary the information text can include hard-coded links to all the entries on a specific topic. This gives a searchable database of course notes or scenario content. Glossary entries can include images, files, multimedia and can also allow comments. Back in the main course area you can then use auto-linking or hard-coded links to send students to specific glossary entries or combinations of entries. The advantage of this is that the links can be inserted anywhere in a Moodle label or web page as text or if hard-coding you can make images links to the content. Although you can't control glossary formats very well you can choose to hide some aspects and to force default display to a single record etc. And of course at the end of the glossary entry you can use auto-linking to send the student direct to the relevant activity or next page. Drawback of using hard-coded links is that you need to change them if you make separate copies of the course or you move the course to a different server.

» Glossary of Glossary Ideas