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Digital sound or images,

"Computers store information in a digital form which allows accurate repeated reproduction, unlike audio tape or photocopies which become distorted after being copied several times. Sounds and images stored in this way can be easily edited and manipulated. These files can sometimes be compressed, using specialist software, to reduce the amount of storage space they require.",


domain name server


disk operating system

doublepage spread

n. advertisement printed across 2 pages in a magazine or newspaper


Dreamweaver is the industry-leading web development tool, enabling users to efficiently design, develop and maintain standards-based websites and applications

Dreamweaver creates and maintaining basic websites to advanced applications that support best practices and the latest technologies.


digital subscriber line


decision support system


digital versatile disk

Dynamic geometry (Software),

Allows the user to draw and manipulate geometric shapes on the screen.,

Dynamic HTML

Dynamic HTML or DHTML is a method of creating interactive web sites by using a combination of static markup language HTML, a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), the presentation definition language (e.g. Cascading Style Sheets), and the Document Object Model.


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