Electronics (Mike Jaroch)
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C |
COMMON-EMITTER DETECTOROften used in receivers to supply detected and amplified output. The emitter-base junction acts as the detector [12]. | ||
COMMUTATIONThe act of a commutator in converting generator output from an ac voltage to a dc voltage [5]. | ||
COMMUTATIVE LAWIn Boolean algebra this law states that changing the order of the terms in an equation will not affect the value of the equation. Example: A + B = B + A; A • B = B • A [13]. | ||
COMPARATORAn equipment that compares incoming signals and selects the strongest to be fed to a teletypewriter through a patch panel. This is used in diversity operation [17]. | ||
COMPENSATING WINDINGSWindings embedded in slots in pole pieces, connected in series with the armature, whose magnetic field opposes the armature field and cancels armature reaction [5]. | ||
COMPENSATIONThe process of overcoming the problems associated with high frequencies in an amplifier [8]. | ||
COMPLEMENTA number or state that is the opposite of a specified number or state. The negative of a number is often represented by its complement [13]. | ||
COMPLEMENT NUMBERA number that when added to another number gives a sum equal to the base of the number system of operation. For example, in the decimal number system, the complement of 1 is 9 [13]. | ||
COMPLEMENTARY (SECONDARY) COLORS OF LIGHTThe colors of light produced when two of the primaries are mixed in verlapping beams of light. The complementary colors of light are magenta, yellow, and cyan [10]. | ||