Electronics (Mike Jaroch)
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H |
H-FIELDAny space or region in which a magnetic force is exerted. The magnetic field may be produced by a current-carrying coil or conductor, by a permanent magnet, or by the earth itself [11]. | ||
H-TYPE T-JUNCTIONA waveguide junction in which the junction arm is parallel to the magnetic lines of force in the main waveguide [11]. | ||
HALF-POWER POINTA point on a waveform or radar beam that corresponds to half the power of the maximum power point [8] [9] [18]. | ||
HALF-WAVE DIPOLE ANTENNAAn antenna, consisting of two rods (1/4 wavelength each) in a single line, that radiates electromagnetic energy [10]. | ||
HALF-WAVE RECTIFIERA rectifier using only one-half of each cycle to change ac to pulsating dc [61 [7]. | ||
HALF-WAVE VOLTAGE DOUBLERTwo half-wave voltage rectifiers connected to double the input voltage [7]. | ||
HAND OVERThe operation where one earth terminal yields control to another as a satellite moves out of its area of coverage [17]. | ||
HARD-TUBE MODULATORA high-vacuum electron tube modulator that uses a driver for pulse forming [18]. | |
HARMONICA frequency that is a whole-number multiple of a smaller base frequency [9] [10] [12] [17]. | ||
HEAT SHUNTA device (preferably a clip-on type) used to absorb heat and protect heat-sensitive components during soldering [4]. | ||