Electronics (Mike Jaroch)
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IC SYNCHROSObsolete synchros with reverse rotation and limited torque capabilities [15]. | ||
IDENTITY LAWIn Boolean algebra, the law which states that any expression is equal to itself | ||
IDLER FREQUENCYIn a parametric amplifier, the difference between the input signal and the pump signal frequency. Also called the LOWER-SIDEBAND FREQUENCY [11]. | ||
IF AMPLIFIERUsually a narrow-bandwidth IF amplifier that is tuned to one of the output frequencies produced by the mixer [18]. | ||
IGFETAny field-effect transistor that has an insulated gate [7]. | ||
IMAGE FREQUENCYAn undesired frequency capable of producing the desired frequency through heterodyning [17]. | ||
IMPEDANCEThe total opposition offered to the flow of an alternating current. It may consist of any combination of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance. The symbol for impedance is Z [2] [9]. | ||
IMPLOSIONThe inward bursting of a CRT because of high vacuum. The opposite of explosion [6]. | ||