Electronics (Mike Jaroch)
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OCTAL NUMBER SYSTEMA number system based on powers of eight. This system is used extensively in computer work [13]. | ||
OFF-LINE TEST EQUIPMENTEquipment that tests and isolates faults in modules or assemblies removed from systems [14]. | ||
OHM'S LAWThe current in an electrical circuit is directly proportional to the electromotive force in the circuit. The most common form of the law is E = IR, where E is the electromotive force or voltage across the circuit, I is the current flowing in the circuit, and R is the resistance of the circuit [1]. | ||
OHMIC VALUEResistance in ohms [1]. | ||
OHMMETERA meter used to measure resistance [3] [16]. | ||
OHMS PER SQUAREThe resistance of any square area of thin film resistive material as measured between two parallel sides [14]. | ||
OILCAN TUBEA type of planar tube, similar to the lighthouse tube, which has cooling fins. The oilcan tube is designed to handle large amounts of power at uhf frequencies [6]. | ||
OMNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNAAn antenna that radiates and receives equally in all directions (nondirectional) [10] [18]. | ||
ON-LINE TEST EQUIPMENTContinuously monitors the performance of electronic systems [14]. | ||