Science Terminology for 11-13 Yr Olds --- (Jon Witts)
Browse the glossary using this index
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Decayrotting process involving bacteria where nutrients are released from detritus
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Decibelsunit for measuring loudness of sound
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Degrees Celsiuscommon unit for temperature measurement
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Depositionwhen sediments are put down or dropped
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Detrituswaste and dead material
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digestionthe process by which nutrients from food are broken down and absorbed into the body.
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digestive systemthe organs involved in digestion.
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Dispersionsplitting light into a spectrum
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Domainsmall region within a magnetised substance where all the magnetism is in the same direction | |
Double pumpthe right-hand side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs; the left-hand side pumps blood to the rest of the body
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