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Ford, Henry

(1863-1947) American Industrialist. Ford is best know for his innovations in the auto manufacturing industry. His company was the first to use an assembly line for production.

foreign policy

A nation’s actions regarding how they treat other nations.

Four Modernizations

An economic and social program that called for limited privatization of agriculture and industry, encouraged foreign investment and foreign trade, and resulted in a boost for the Chinese economy. Unlike the Great Leap Forward, the Four Modernizations was an economic success.

Four Noble Truths

Siddhartha's Gautama philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire is articulated by four statements

Fourteen Points Speech

An address given to the United States’ Congress by President Woodrow Wilson concerning the end of World War I and the treatment of all concerned with the war. The speech outlines the League of Nations and the ideas of self determination for different ethnic groups.


A group or society formed by people who share common interests.

Frederick the Great

(1712-1786), King of Prussia from 1740 to 1786. Enlightened despot who enlarged Prussia by gaining land from Austria when Maria Theresa became Empress.

French Indochina

Area of southeast Asia controlled by France during Imperialism. Includes Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

French Revolution

Political revolution in France starting in 1789 that brought about many changes in France. The revolution ultimately ended with a dictatorship under Napoleon Bonaparte before his defeat by the combined powers of Europe.


Affecting the underlying principles or structure of something.

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