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Ibn Sina

Islamic physician, wrote a book called Canon on Medicine, which was an encyclopedia of Greek, Arabic, and his own knowledge of medicine. This book became the standard medical text in Europe for over five hundred years.

idealized realism

Art form practiced by the Greeks during the 5th century BCE. Portrays the human form very realistically, but in its perfect form.


Writing system that uses pictures of ideas.


An organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas. They form the basis of a political, social, and economic philosophy.


In Islam, the leader of prayers and religious scholar.


The movement of people from one nation to another.


The complete control of a weaker nation?s social, economic, and political life by a stronger nation.


The bringing in of goods from another country for sale or trade.


A Mesoamerican civilization of South America, centered in Peru. The Inca ruled a large empire and had many cultural and scientific achievements including an elaborate road system, architecture, and terrace farming. The arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores ended their empire in the 15th century.

Indian National Congress

Nationalistic organization in India with the purpose of ending British control. Prominent members include Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.

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