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Religious practices such as baptism, and receiving the Eucharist.


Worthy of or regarded with religious worship, and/or respect.

Sahara Desert

The world?s largest desert, located in North Africa.

Salt March

(1930) Passive resistance campaign of Mohandas Gandhi where many Indians protested the British tax on salt by marching to the sea to make their own salt.


In Hinduism, the term given to the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.


Warrior class during Japan?s feudal age.


Services including the collection and disposal of sewage and garbage.


The extinct language of ancient India. Spoken between fourteenth and fifth centuries BCE. Still used today in classic literature.


Man made objects that orbit the Earth or perform deep space probes. The perform a number of functions such as communications and weather.


The ritual suicide of a wife after her husband?s death in Hindu/Indian culture.

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