Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)
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sacramentsReligious practices such as baptism, and receiving the Eucharist. | |
sacredWorthy of or regarded with religious worship, and/or respect. | |
Sahara DesertThe world?s largest desert, located in North Africa. | |
Salt March(1930) Passive resistance campaign of Mohandas Gandhi where many Indians protested the British tax on salt by marching to the sea to make their own salt. | |
SamsaraIn Hinduism, the term given to the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. | |
samuraiWarrior class during Japan?s feudal age. | |
sanitationServices including the collection and disposal of sewage and garbage. | |
SanskritThe extinct language of ancient India. Spoken between fourteenth and fifth centuries BCE. Still used today in classic literature. | |
satelliteMan made objects that orbit the Earth or perform deep space probes. The perform a number of functions such as communications and weather. | |
satiThe ritual suicide of a wife after her husband?s death in Hindu/Indian culture. | |