Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)
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W |
Walpole, Robert(1676-1745) British statesman, and first Prime Minister from 1721 to 1742. | |
Warsaw PactAn international defense alliance between the Soviet Union and many of its Eastern European satellite states as a response to NATO. Formed in 1955. | |
Watt, James(1736-1819) Improved upon Newcomen?s steam engine. Watt?s steam engine would be the power source of the Industrial Revolution. | |
Wealth of NationsBritish philosopher and writer Adam Smith?s 1776 book that described his theory on free trade, otherwise known as laissez-faire economics. | |
westernizationTo adopt western ideas and culture. | |
Wheel of Lifeimportant symbol of Buddhism. It represents the endless cycle of life through reincarnation. | |
White Man's Burden, TheA poem by Rudyard Kipling written in 1899. It is also the name given to the idea that the culture of the native populations where European imperialism was occurring were inferior to western nations. Some interpreted Kipling?s poem to mean that it was the duty of imperializing nations to bring western culture and sensibility to the savage native populations that were encountered in far off lands. | |
William and MaryKing and Queen of England from 1689 to 1702. They were placed on the throne as a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and ruled as limited monarchs. | |
Wilson, Woodrow(1856-1924) President of the United States during World War I. He was one of the formulators of the Treaty of Versailles. He also proposed a regulating body of nations to avoid future conflicts through diplomacy in his 14 Points Speech. | |