US Educational Terms Glossary (Garland Green)
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C |
ClusterTo place small groups of students together for instruction, especially GATE student | |
coachingAn instructional method in which a teacher supports students as they perfect old skills and acquire new skills. | |
cognitive scienceA science investigating how people learn rather than what they learn. Prior knowledge and out-of-classroom experience help form the foundation on which teachers build effective instruction. Also referred to as the study of the mind. | |
cognitively guided instructionAn instructional strategy in which a teacher assesses what students already know about a subject and then builds on students prior knowledge. Students typically are asked to suggest a way to represent a real problem posed by the teacher. Guided questions encouragement and suggestions further encourage students to devise solutions and share the outcome with the class. | |
collaborative learning or cooperative learningAn instructional approach in which students of varying abilities and interests work together in small groups to solve a problem complete a project or achieve a common goal. | |
Community CollegeA two-year college, also referred to as a junior college. Anyone who is 18 years old or holds a high school diploma (or equivalent) is eligible to attend a community college. Students can transfer from community colleges to either the CSU or UC systems. (Ed Source) | |
Community-Based LearningStudents, faculty, administrators, and community members working together to create new learning opportunities within local communities but generally outside traditional learning institutions. | |
Comparable GrowthSubgroups of students in a school must improve their scores on standardized tests. They are expected to achieve 80 percent of the predominant student group's target, which is known as comparable growth. | |
Conflict ManagementA strategy that schools use to prevent and address behavior problems by using peer counselors, mediators, or a school curriculum or program. It usually includes a set of expectations for behavior. | |