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Magnet School

A school that focuses on a particular discipline, such as science, mathematics, arts, or computer science. It is designed to recruit students from other parts of the school district.


The practice of placing students with disabilities in regular classrooms; also known as inclusion. (Ed Source)


Any physical object (e.g. blocks toothpicks coins) that can be used to represent or model a problem situation or develop a mathematical concept.


Three-dimensional teaching aids and visuals that teachers use to help students with math concepts. Typical tools include counting beads or bars, base ten blocks, shapes, fraction parts, and rulers.

matrix sampling

An assessment method in which no student completes the entire assessment but each completes a portion of the assessment. Portions are allotted to different representative samples of students. Group (rather than individual) scores are obtained for an analysis of school or district performance.


Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning


The process of considering and regulating one s own learning. Activities include assessing or reviewing one s current and previous knowledge identifying gaps in that knowledge planning gap-filling strategies determining the relevance of new information and potentially revising beliefs on the subject.

Minimum Day

A shortened school day that allows teachers to meet and work together.


Demonstrating to the learner how to do a task with the expectation that the learner can copy the model. Modeling often involves thinking aloud or talking about how to work through a task.


The installation of new plumbing, air conditioning, floors, cabinets, carpeting, etc. on school grounds.

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