English to Japanese Translation (Chad Outten)
Note: If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, you can download the entries from the Moodle content database here.
Chad describes this glossary: "...1422 entries. English to Japanese translations. Includes kanji, katakana characters & phonetics. enjoy! "
Browse the glossary using this index
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O |
o'clock, hourじ ji | ||
of courseもちろん mochiron | ||
oftenよく yoku | ||
ogre islandおにがしま onigashima | ||
ogre, demonおに oni | ||
oldふるい hurui 古い | ||
old newspaper新聞紙 しんぶんし sinbunshi | ||
older brotherおにいさん oniisan お兄さん | ||
older sisterおねえさん oneesan お姉さん | ||
on the side ofそば soba | ||