Inspirational Quotations by (Chad Outten)
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C |
Captain PlanetThe Power is YOURS ! | |
Catherine McAuleyLet us fit young women for earth without unfitting them for heaven. | |
Chinese proverbGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. | |
Christian Nevell BoveeExample has more followers than reason. | |
Christina RossettiOpen wide the windows of our spirits and fill us full of life. | |
Claude L. Kulp...Every child born or adopted by this republic has by virtue of that fact the right to have developed whatever of talent he may possess, without reference to the quality, quantity, or type of that talent, under conditions favorable to such development, and that he shall have assured to him the opportunity to go as far as his ability and ambition will permit in order that he may live his life more abundantly than he otherwise could. | |
ConfuciusThe essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it to confess your ignorance. | |
Cree Indian Prophecy
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